The Academy


Whether you’re new to content marketing or aiming to scale up, this academy is your ultimate resource for content marketing knowledge.

Video Marketing: The Definitive Guide (2024)

Explore how to create and execute a winning video marketing strategy...
Hand on tablet playing video

What is Copywriting? The Definitive Guide (2024)

Learn proven copywriting techniques and strategies that drives results...
Laptop, papers, and a book on a desk.

Guest Blogging: The Definitive Guide

Learn everything you need to know to master the art of guest blogging...
Person guest blogging by writing on laptop

How to Write a Press Release That Gets Results (2024)

Learn the essential steps to create press releases that get real results...
Journalist taking notes reading a press release

How to Write Sales Copy That Converts

Learn 11 techniques to help you craft sales copy that truly converts...
Salesman and client shaking hands

Landing Pages: The Definitive Guide

Learn how to design landing pages that convert like crazy...
Person opening a landing page on a laptop

How to Write an AWESOME Email Newsletter

Learn the essential steps for creating a newsletter that your subscribers will anticipate...
An email newsletter being opened on a yellow background

7 Proven Ways to Improve Your Email Open Rates

Learn how to dramatically improve your email open rates...
Person holding tablet checking the email inbox

How to Build Links With Content Marketing

Learn about our proven process for creating linkable content...

VidIQ: The Ultimate Guide

Learn how to use VidIQ - a robust SaaS solution designed to elevate your channel's...
Screenshot of the starting page of Vidiq

7 Proven Blog Post Templates (That Work Like A Charm)

Learn how 7 blog post templates can achieve phenomenal traffic growth...
Person typing on laptop using blog post templates

We Analyzed 12 Million Outreach Emails. Here’s What We Discovered

We conducted an in-depth analysis of 12 million outreach emails to uncover what really works...
Email symbols on blue background symbolizing outreach emails.

The Ultimate Guide to HootSuite

Learn everything you need to know about how Hootsuite can make your business thrive...
Screenshot of the staring page of Hootsuite

How to Use Buffer to 10x Your Social Media Results

Learn how Buffer can transform your social media strategy...
Screenshot of Buffer Social Media Management starting page

How to Write a Great Listicle Post

Explore the ins and outs of creating listicles that boost your online presence...
Woman reading a listicle post on her laptop.

How to Promote Content on Social Media

Learn how to promote social media content to maximize your visibility...
Concept of promoting social media content on a smartphone

What Is Content Curation?

Content curation is a powerful tool in the arsenal of any savvy digital marketer. Learn...
Person sitting by laptop holding a piece of paper practicing content curation

Podcasting: The Complete Beginner’s Guide

Looking to start a podcast? Here's all you need to know...
A podcast studio containing a microphone and a laptop

Blog Design: The Complete Guide

Master the art of blog design that not only attracts visitors but also keeps them...
Two cartoon persons creating a blog design concept

ConvertKit: The Complete Guide

Learn how to use ConvertKit to unleash the power of email marketing...
Hands holding smartphone using ConvertKit

What Is Interactive Content?

Learn how to connect with your audience using interactive content...
Hand engaging with interactive content on laptop screen

What Are Lead Magnets?

Learn how to use lead magnets that attract potential customers and provide immense value...
Person holding a magnet symbolizing a lead magnet

How to Use SimilarWeb for SEO and Content Marketing

SimilarWeb offers insights into website traffic, user behavior, and competitive analysis. Here's how to use...
Graph against blue background pointing upwards

What Is Evergreen Content?

Learn how to create content that remain relevant and valuable to your audience...
Green forest symbolizing evergreen content

What Is 10x Content? And How Does It Work?

Producing "good" content is no longer enough. "10x Content" is a game-changing approach that can...
Hands on laptop keyboard practicing 10x content strategy

What Is Video Content? And Why It’s Super Important

Here, we'll walk you through the essential steps to create, optimize, and leverage video content...
Computer screen with video content program open

Content Writing 101: How to Create High-Quality Content

Build brand awareness, drive website traffic, and generate leads by mastering content writing...
Hands on laptop keyboard practicing content writing

What Is a Content Calendar? How to Build One + Free Template

Learn how to create an effective content calendar that will elevate your content marketing game...
A content calendar with a pin in it on a desk.

Blog SEO: The Complete Guide

Explore proven strategies to optimize your blog posts and skyrocket your search engine rankings...
Person writing on laptop practicing blog SEO

17 Types of Content Marketing (+ Expert Tactics)

Explore the world of content marketing, to elevate your brand's online presence...
Hand holding tablet with content marketing symbols

B2B Content Marketing: The Ultimate Guide

Establish authority, generate leads, and drive revenue growth with B2B Content Marketing...
Image of hands on laptop keyboard with "B2B Content Marketing" written on it

How to Send Effective Outreach Emails

Learn how to craft successful outreach emails and amplify your content reach...
Person in front of laptop sending outreach emails

What Is a Content Strategy?

Learn how to develop a content strategy that can boost your online presence...
Notepad on desk next to laptop and lightbulb with content strategy written on it

What Is Web Copywriting?

By mastering web copywriting, you can create persuasive, engaging content specifically for online platforms...
Hands on computer keyboard on desk practicing web copywriting

What Is Repurposing Content?

Extend the life of your content and reach new audiences by repurposing content...
Laptop on desk next to green plant symbolizing repurposing content