Woman holding megaphone to promote YouTube videos

21 Ways to Promote Your YouTube Video

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21 Proven Ways to Promote Your YouTube Videos and Boost Views

Are you looking to take your YouTube channel to the next level? Promoting your videos effectively is key to growing your audience and increasing views. As an SEO expert at IncRev, I’m excited to share 21 powerful strategies that will help you promote your YouTube videos and gain more traction. These tactics have been battle-tested and proven to deliver results.

1. Optimize Your Videos for Trending Keywords

Keyword research is crucial for YouTube SEO. While targeting popular keywords can be challenging for smaller channels, there’s a smart workaround – focus on trending topics and emerging keywords.

Here’s how to find trending YouTube keywords:

  • Use YouTube’s search suggestions as you type
  • Leverage tools like KeywordTool.io to generate hundreds of keyword ideas
  • Look for keywords with decent search volume but lower competition

Optimizing for trending keywords gives you a better chance to rank and gain visibility before the big channels catch on.

2. Preview Upcoming Videos in Community Posts

The YouTube Community tab is an underutilized goldmine for video promotion. Use it to build anticipation for your upcoming content:

  • Create a post teasing your next video topic
  • Explain why viewers should be excited about it
  • Include a compelling preview image

This primes your audience and can lead to a surge of views when you publish. Our clients have seen up to 30% more views in the first 24 hours using this tactic.

3. Use “The Sequel Technique” to Boost Suggested Views

The Suggested Videos section is a powerful source of views. Here’s how to optimize for it:

  1. Find a popular video in your niche
  2. Create a superior version with better production, more depth, etc.
  3. Use similar keywords in your title, description and tags

This increases the chances of your video appearing next to the popular one, tapping into its audience.

4. Leverage YouTube’s Built-in Promotion Tools

YouTube provides several free tools to promote your videos within the platform:

  • End Screens: Feature other videos and boost subscribers
  • Cards: Link to relevant content throughout your video
  • Branding Watermark: Add a clickable subscribe button overlay

These tools are easy to implement and can significantly increase engagement and subscriber growth.

5. Share Your Videos on Forums and Q&A Sites

Platforms like Reddit, Quora, and niche forums are great for reaching engaged audiences:

  • Find relevant subreddits or forum categories
  • Share your video with context and valuable insights
  • Engage in discussions and answer questions

Remember to follow community guidelines and provide value, not just self-promotion.

6. Optimize Your Click-Through Rate (CTR)

A higher CTR leads to more views and better rankings. Improve your CTR by:

  • Creating eye-catching, colorful thumbnails
  • Writing compelling titles that spark curiosity
  • Ensuring your title and thumbnail complement each other

Even a small CTR increase can result in significant view gains over time.

7. Double Down on Your Top Traffic Sources

Analyze your YouTube Analytics to identify your best-performing traffic sources:

  • YouTube search
  • Suggested videos
  • External websites
  • Browse features

Once you know what’s working, focus your efforts on optimizing for those sources.

8. Maximize Impact in the First 24 Hours

The initial 24 hours after publishing are critical. YouTube tends to promote new, popular videos on users’ homepages. To capitalize on this:

  • Notify your subscribers immediately
  • Share across all your social platforms
  • Engage with early commenters

A strong start can lead to sustained visibility and growth.

9. Use “The Preview” Technique for Social Media Sharing

To maximize social media engagement:

  1. Create a 30-60 second clip from your video
  2. Post it natively on platforms like Facebook and Twitter
  3. Include a link to the full video in the first comment

This approach satisfies platform algorithms while still driving traffic to YouTube.

10. Leverage Your Email List

Email remains one of the most effective promotion channels. When sharing videos with your subscribers:

  • Write an engaging subject line
  • Explain the value of your video
  • Include a compelling call-to-action

Consider linking directly to YouTube to maximize engagement metrics.

11. Refresh and Re-optimize Older Videos

Don’t let your older content gather dust. Periodically update:

  • Titles
  • Descriptions
  • Tags
  • Thumbnails

This can breathe new life into your existing library and attract fresh viewers.

12. Collaborate with Other Channels

Collaborations expose your content to new audiences. To increase your chances of success:

  • Target channels slightly larger than yours
  • Propose a specific, valuable video idea
  • Explain the benefits for their audience

A well-executed collaboration can lead to substantial subscriber growth.

13. Directly Ask Viewers to Subscribe

Sometimes, the simplest approach is the most effective. In your videos:

  • Include a clear call-to-action to subscribe
  • Explain the benefits of subscribing
  • Remind viewers to hit the notification bell

This direct approach can significantly boost your subscriber count.

14. Focus on Increasing Average View Duration

YouTube favors videos with high watch time. To improve your average view duration:

  • Create longer, in-depth content
  • Use engaging hooks and maintain viewer interest
  • Include timestamps for easy navigation

Longer videos often perform better in YouTube’s algorithm.

15. Cross-Promote on Other Platforms

Leverage all your online assets to promote your YouTube channel:

  • Embed videos in blog posts
  • Share on your website and social profiles
  • Mention your channel in podcast interviews

Consistent cross-promotion builds brand awareness and drives traffic.

16. Add New Videos to Popular Playlists

Playlists can significantly increase watch time. When uploading new videos:

  • Add them to relevant, popular playlists
  • Consider placing them at the top of playlists
  • Create new playlists around trending topics

This increases discoverability and encourages longer viewing sessions.

17. Experiment with YouTube Ads

While organic growth is ideal, strategic use of ads can accelerate your channel’s growth:

  • Target viewers interested in your niche
  • Use compelling ad creative
  • Test different ad formats and placements

Even a small ad budget can help boost visibility for new channels.

18. Engage with Other Channels Through Comments

Thoughtful engagement can attract attention to your channel:

  • Leave insightful comments on popular videos
  • Add value to discussions
  • Build relationships with other creators

This strategy can lead to organic growth and potential collaborations.

19. Maintain Consistent Branding

A cohesive brand identity makes your channel more memorable:

  • Use consistent colors and graphics
  • Create a recognizable intro and outro
  • Develop a unique presentation style

Strong branding helps viewers instantly recognize and connect with your content.

20. Mine Analytics for Keyword Opportunities

Your YouTube Analytics can reveal hidden keyword gems:

  • Check the “YouTube Search” traffic source report
  • Look for unexpected keywords driving views
  • Create new content around these discoveries

This data-driven approach can uncover valuable niche topics.

21. Feature New Videos as Your Channel Trailer

Your channel trailer is prime real estate. Consider:

  • Rotating your latest video as the trailer
  • Featuring your best-performing recent content
  • Creating a dynamic trailer that updates automatically

This keeps your channel page fresh and showcases your latest work.


Promoting your YouTube videos effectively requires a multi-faceted approach. By implementing these 21 strategies, you’ll be well on your way to growing your channel and reaching a wider audience. Remember, consistency is key – keep creating great content and refining your promotion tactics.

At IncRev, we specialize in helping content creators and businesses maximize their YouTube potential. Our team of SEO and content marketing experts can develop a customized strategy to skyrocket your channel’s growth. Ready to take your YouTube presence to the next level? Contact us today for a personalized consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I upload new videos to YouTube?

Consistency is key on YouTube. Aim for a regular upload schedule, whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. The most important factor is maintaining quality while being consistent.

What’s the ideal length for a YouTube video?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but generally, videos between 7-15 minutes perform well. Longer videos (15+ minutes) can work great for in-depth topics. Always prioritize valuable content over arbitrary length.

How can I improve my YouTube SEO?

Focus on keyword research, optimize your titles, descriptions, and tags, create engaging thumbnails, and aim for high watch time and audience retention. Also, use closed captions and create playlists to boost your SEO efforts.

Is it worth investing in YouTube ads?

YouTube ads can be an effective way to jumpstart your channel’s growth, especially for new creators. Start with a small budget, target carefully, and monitor your results closely to determine if it’s a worthwhile investment for your channel.

How important are thumbnails for YouTube success?

Thumbnails are crucial – they’re often the first thing potential viewers see. Invest time in creating eye-catching, relevant thumbnails that accurately represent your content while standing out in search results and suggested videos.

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