Person sitting by a laptop choosing keywords for SEO

How to Choose Keywords for SEO

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Mastering Keyword Research: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Winning SEO Keywords

Keyword research is the cornerstone of any successful SEO strategy. At IncRev, we understand that selecting the right keywords can make or break your entire digital marketing campaign. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through our proven process for identifying and choosing the most effective keywords to skyrocket your search engine rankings and drive targeted traffic to your website.

Step 1: Building Your Initial Keyword List

The first step in our keyword research process is to cast a wide net and generate a comprehensive list of potential keywords relevant to your business. Here are some powerful techniques we use at IncRev to uncover valuable keyword opportunities:

Leverage the Google Keyword Planner

While primarily designed for Google Ads campaigns, the Google Keyword Planner is an invaluable free tool for SEO keyword research. Simply enter a seed keyword related to your business, and the tool will generate a plethora of related terms along with valuable data like search volume and competition level.

Uncover Competitor Keywords with Semrush

One of our favorite keyword research strategies at IncRev is to analyze the keywords your competitors are already ranking for. Semrush allows you to input a competing website and see the organic keywords driving traffic to their site. This can reveal untapped opportunities and help you reverse-engineer successful SEO strategies in your niche.

Mine Google Suggest for Long-Tail Gems

Google’s autocomplete suggestions are a goldmine for discovering long-tail keyword variations that real users are searching for. Simply start typing a relevant query into Google and take note of the suggested completions. These longer, more specific phrases often have less competition and higher conversion potential.

Tap into User Intent with Seed Keywords is an innovative tool that helps you understand how real people would search for your products or services. By creating scenarios and collecting responses from actual users, you can uncover natural language patterns and discover keywords you may have otherwise overlooked.

Step 2: Assessing Keyword Competition

Once you’ve compiled a robust list of potential keywords, it’s time to evaluate the competitive landscape. At IncRev, we use a combination of tools and techniques to gauge keyword difficulty:

Analyze SERP Features with MozBar

The free MozBar Chrome extension provides valuable at-a-glance metrics directly in the search results. We pay close attention to Page Authority (PA) and Domain Authority (DA) scores to get a sense of how established the competing pages and websites are for a given keyword.

Leverage Keyword Difficulty Scores

Many keyword research tools offer proprietary difficulty scores that attempt to quantify how challenging it would be to rank for a particular keyword. While these scores can be helpful for quick comparisons, we always recommend digging deeper into the actual search results to get a more nuanced understanding of the competition.

Step 3: Evaluating Search Volume and Traffic Potential

Keyword search volume is a critical factor in determining the potential traffic a term could drive to your website. However, it’s important to look beyond raw numbers and consider the following:

Understand Search Volume Ranges

Most keyword tools provide estimated monthly search volumes. However, these numbers can vary widely between different data sources. At IncRev, we often cross-reference multiple tools and look at relative volume rather than getting fixated on exact numbers.

Consider Industry Context

What constitutes “high volume” can differ dramatically between industries. In some B2B niches, a keyword with 1,000 monthly searches might be considered a high-value target, while in broader consumer markets, you might need 10,000+ searches to move the needle.

Look Beyond Volume to Click-Through Rates

Raw search volume doesn’t always translate to actual clicks. We analyze the search engine results page (SERP) features for each keyword to estimate the likely click-through rate (CTR) to organic results. Factors like featured snippets, ads, and other SERP features can significantly impact organic CTR.

Step 4: Gauging Commercial Intent and Revenue Potential

At IncRev, we believe that the true value of a keyword lies in its ability to drive conversions and revenue for your business. Here’s how we assess the commercial potential of keywords:

Analyze “Top of Page Bid” Estimates

Google’s Keyword Planner provides estimated bid prices for keywords in paid search campaigns. Higher bids generally indicate stronger commercial intent and greater potential value per visitor.

Evaluate Product-Keyword Fit

We closely examine how well a keyword aligns with your offerings and target audience. Sometimes, targeting informational keywords that your ideal customers are searching for can be just as valuable as going after direct purchase-intent terms.

Step 5: Identifying Keyword Trends

To future-proof your SEO strategy, it’s crucial to focus on keywords with growing popularity. Here’s how we spot rising trends:

Utilize Google Trends

Google Trends provides valuable insights into the search interest for keywords over time. We typically look at 5-year trends to identify consistent growth patterns and seasonal fluctuations.

Monitor Industry Developments

Staying on top of industry news and emerging technologies helps us anticipate future keyword trends and get ahead of the competition.

Bringing It All Together: Choosing Your Winning Keywords

At IncRev, we believe that successful keyword selection is both an art and a science. By combining data-driven analysis with strategic thinking and industry expertise, we help our clients identify the most valuable keyword opportunities to drive sustainable organic growth.

Remember, keyword research is an ongoing process. As search trends evolve and your business grows, it’s important to regularly revisit and refine your keyword strategy. By partnering with IncRev, you’ll have access to cutting-edge tools, proven methodologies, and a team of SEO experts dedicated to keeping your keyword strategy ahead of the curve.


How many keywords should I target for my website?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but we generally recommend focusing on 5-10 primary keywords per page, with additional long-tail variations worked in naturally. It’s better to thoroughly optimize for a smaller set of highly relevant keywords than to spread yourself too thin.

How long does it take to rank for a new keyword?

Ranking timeframes can vary widely depending on factors like your website’s authority, the competitiveness of the keyword, and the quality of your content and optimization efforts. In general, you might see movement within 3-6 months, but it can take 6-12 months or more to achieve top rankings for competitive terms.

Should I focus on long-tail or head keywords?

At IncRev, we recommend a balanced approach. Head keywords (shorter, more general terms) often have higher search volume but are also more competitive. Long-tail keywords are usually easier to rank for and can drive highly targeted traffic. A mix of both, tailored to your specific goals and resources, is often the most effective strategy.

How often should I update my keyword research?

We recommend reviewing your keyword strategy at least quarterly, with more frequent checks on trending topics in your industry. Major algorithm updates or significant changes in your business offerings should also trigger a keyword review.

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