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YouTube Video Description: 9 Pro-Tips & Best Practices

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Mastering YouTube Video Descriptions: The Ultimate Guide to Boosting Your Rankings

In the vast landscape of YouTube, your video description serves as a powerful tool to communicate with both viewers and search algorithms. At IncRev, we understand the critical role descriptions play in elevating your content’s visibility and engagement. Let’s dive deep into the art and science of crafting compelling YouTube video descriptions that will skyrocket your rankings.

The Essence of a YouTube Video Description

A video description is more than just a summary; it’s a pivotal piece of metadata that YouTube uses to comprehend and categorize your content. When optimized effectively, descriptions can significantly boost your video’s rankings in YouTube search results and suggested video recommendations.

YouTube itself emphasizes the importance of well-crafted descriptions:

“YouTube is one of the largest search engines in the world. And writing descriptions with keywords can help viewers find your videos more easily through search.”

Best Practices for Crafting Powerful Descriptions

1. Aim for Comprehensive Content

Gone are the days of one-line descriptions. To give YouTube’s algorithm ample context, aim for at least 200 words in your description. This provides a rich canvas to incorporate relevant keywords and offer valuable information to potential viewers.

For instance, a video on “Advanced SEO Techniques” might include a description that covers:

  • An overview of the SEO strategies discussed
  • Key takeaways for viewers
  • Relevant statistics or case studies mentioned
  • Links to additional resources

2. Front-Load Your Keywords

YouTube’s algorithm places greater emphasis on keywords appearing in the first 2-3 sentences of your description. Ensure your primary keyword and other crucial terms are strategically placed at the beginning. This not only aids in ranking but also captures viewers’ attention in search results.

3. Optimize for Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Remember, the initial lines of your description appear in search results. Craft these sentences to be both SEO-friendly and compelling. Instead of starting with links or generic text, lead with the core benefit or intrigue of your video. For example:

“Discover the hidden SEO techniques that increased our client’s organic traffic by 327% in just 60 days. In this video, we break down our exact strategy step-by-step.”

4. Strategic Keyword Repetition

After including your target keyword early on, repeat it naturally 2-3 times throughout the description. This reinforces the video’s topic without crossing into keyword stuffing territory. For instance, a video titled “Mastering Content Marketing” might include phrases like:

  • “Our proven content marketing framework…”
  • “Key content marketing metrics to track…”
  • “How content marketing drives ROI…”

5. Incorporate Related Keywords

Enrich your description with related terms and phrases. This provides YouTube with additional context and can help your video rank for a broader range of search queries. Using our content marketing example:

  • Content strategy
  • Audience engagement
  • Lead generation through content
  • Content distribution channels

6. Maintain Originality

Each video deserves a unique, tailored description. Avoid using templates or duplicating content across multiple videos. YouTube explicitly states that original descriptions can boost rankings:

“Be sure each video has a unique description; this makes it easier to find through search, and helps it stand out from similar videos.”

7. Utilize a Strategic Template

While keeping descriptions unique, follow a consistent structure to ensure all crucial elements are included:

  1. Hook/Benefit statement (1-2 sentences)
  2. Brief overview of video content
  3. Key points or timestamps
  4. Call-to-action (subscribe, visit website, etc.)
  5. Relevant links and resources

8. Maintain a Conversational Tone

While optimizing for search is crucial, remember that real people will be reading your descriptions. Strike a balance between keyword inclusion and natural, engaging language. A conversational tone can significantly improve viewer engagement and watch time.

9. Optimize for Suggested Videos

YouTube’s “Suggested Video” feature can be a goldmine for views. To increase your chances of appearing in these recommendations:

  • Research popular videos in your niche
  • Identify common keywords in their descriptions
  • Incorporate these terms naturally into your own description

This strategy aligns your content with successful videos in your field, increasing the likelihood of being suggested alongside them.

Leveraging IncRev for YouTube Success

At IncRev, we specialize in crafting SEO-optimized content that drives results. Our team of experts can help you:

  • Conduct in-depth keyword research for your niche
  • Develop compelling video descriptions that rank
  • Implement advanced YouTube SEO strategies
  • Analyze and optimize your entire YouTube presence

By partnering with IncRev, you’re not just optimizing descriptions; you’re unlocking the full potential of your YouTube channel. Our data-driven approach ensures that every element of your video metadata works harmoniously to boost visibility, engagement, and conversions.


Mastering YouTube video descriptions is a critical component of a successful content strategy. By implementing these best practices and leveraging the expertise of IncRev, you can significantly enhance your video’s discoverability, engagement, and overall performance on the platform. Remember, in the competitive world of YouTube, every detail counts – and a well-crafted description could be the key to unlocking your next viral hit.


How long should my YouTube video description be?

Aim for at least 200 words to provide ample context for both viewers and YouTube’s algorithm. Longer descriptions give you more opportunities to include relevant keywords and information.

Should I include links in my video description?

Yes, but strategically. Place important links (like your website or social media) towards the end of the description to avoid cluttering the preview text in search results.

How often should I use my target keyword in the description?

Include your main keyword 2-3 times throughout the description, ensuring it appears in the first couple of sentences. Remember to keep it natural and avoid keyword stuffing.

Can I use the same description for multiple videos?

It’s best to create unique descriptions for each video. This helps with SEO and provides viewers with specific, relevant information about the content they’re about to watch.

How do I optimize my description for “Suggested Videos”?

Research popular videos in your niche and incorporate similar keywords into your description. This increases the chances of your video being suggested alongside successful content in your field.

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