YouTube Hashtags: How to Use Them To Get More Views

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Mastering YouTube Hashtags: Boost Your Video’s Visibility and Reach

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, YouTube continues to reign supreme as a powerhouse platform for content creators and businesses alike. As an SEO expert at IncRev, I’m thrilled to dive deep into one of YouTube’s most underutilized features: hashtags. These powerful tools can significantly enhance your video’s discoverability and help you reach a broader audience. Let’s explore how you can leverage YouTube hashtags to elevate your content strategy and drive more views to your videos.

What Are YouTube Hashtags?

YouTube hashtags, denoted by the “#” symbol, are tags added to video titles and descriptions that categorize content and improve discoverability. Similar to their function on other social media platforms, YouTube hashtags create clickable links that lead users to other videos sharing the same tag. These hashtags appear in two key locations on a video page:

  • Above the video title
  • Within the video description

The SEO Impact of YouTube Hashtags

At IncRev, we’ve observed that strategic use of hashtags can indeed boost your video’s SEO performance. Here’s how:

  1. Improved Discoverability: Hashtags can lead viewers to your content from other videos using the same tag.
  2. Hashtag Search Optimization: Users often search using hashtags, and optimizing for these can help you rank in these specific searches.
  3. Content Categorization: Hashtags assist YouTube in understanding and categorizing your video content more accurately.

However, it’s crucial to note that while hashtags can enhance visibility, they are not a magic solution. They work best as part of a comprehensive SEO strategy that includes other vital factors like audience retention and engagement.

Best Practices for YouTube Hashtags

How to Add Hashtags to Your Videos

There are two primary methods to incorporate hashtags into your YouTube videos:

  1. In the Video Description: Add hashtags here, and the first three will appear above your video title.
  2. In the Video Title: Include hashtags directly in your title for immediate visibility.

Finding Relevant Hashtags

To uncover effective hashtags for your content, consider these strategies:

  • Analyze Trending Videos: Explore YouTube’s trending section and adopt relevant hashtags from popular videos in your niche.
  • Study Competitor Videos: Examine high-performing videos from competitors and consider using similar hashtags.
  • Utilize YouTube Suggest: Type “#” into YouTube’s search bar to discover popular hashtag suggestions.

Creating a Branded Hashtag

Developing a unique, branded hashtag can be a game-changer for your channel. It helps create a cohesive brand identity and encourages viewers to explore more of your content. For instance, at IncRev, we might use #IncRevSEOTips to unify our SEO-related content.

Advanced Hashtag Strategies

To maximize the impact of your YouTube hashtags, keep these advanced tips in mind:

  • Quality Over Quantity: Limit yourself to 3-4 highly relevant hashtags per video. YouTube ignores all hashtags if you exceed 15.
  • Relevance is Key: Ensure every hashtag directly relates to your video content to avoid violating YouTube’s misleading metadata policy.
  • Leverage Hashtag Tools: Utilize tools like to generate hashtag ideas based on your video topic.

Measuring Hashtag Performance

At IncRev, we emphasize the importance of data-driven strategies. To gauge the effectiveness of your hashtags:

  1. Monitor your video’s analytics for changes in views and engagement after implementing new hashtags.
  2. Track which hashtags are driving the most traffic to your videos.
  3. Analyze the performance of your branded hashtag in terms of increasing channel visibility and subscriber growth.


YouTube hashtags are a powerful tool in your SEO arsenal, capable of boosting your video’s visibility and reaching new audiences. By implementing these strategies and best practices, you can enhance your content’s discoverability and grow your channel more effectively. Remember, successful YouTube SEO is an ongoing process of optimization and refinement.

At IncRev, we’re passionate about helping businesses like yours navigate the complexities of digital marketing. Our expert team stays at the forefront of SEO trends to ensure your content strategy is always ahead of the curve. Ready to take your YouTube presence to the next level? Contact IncRev today for personalized SEO solutions tailored to your unique needs.


How many hashtags should I use in my YouTube video?

It’s best to use 3-4 relevant hashtags per video. Using more than 15 can result in YouTube ignoring all of them.

Can hashtags hurt my video’s performance?

While hashtags can improve discoverability, they might slightly impact audience retention if viewers click away to explore other videos with the same hashtag. However, the benefits usually outweigh this potential drawback.

Should I use trending hashtags even if they’re not directly related to my content?

No, it’s crucial to use only relevant hashtags. Using unrelated trending hashtags can violate YouTube’s policies and potentially harm your channel’s credibility.

How often should I update the hashtags on my videos?

Regularly review and update your hashtags, especially for evergreen content. Stay current with trending topics in your niche and adjust your hashtags accordingly.

Can I use spaces or special characters in YouTube hashtags?

No, YouTube hashtags should be continuous strings of letters and numbers without spaces or special characters. For multi-word hashtags, use camel case (e.g., #DigitalMarketingTips) for better readability.

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